Monday, May 30, 2011

Video Game Presentation

The video game that my group created called Little People, Big World was a very basic game that was based on strategy and skill. The main idea of the game is for the character, which has been shrunk to collect all of the pieces that are scattered on different levels that when put together at the end of the game will make you normal size once again. I think a point we did not get across to our audience in this presentation were the ways to gain points in this game. Because the main point of each level was to find a piece of the remote that was needed to end of the game we did not focus on ways that the player could gain points within the different levels. I think if we could have made up some examples for this. The easiest thing to describe and convey to our class were the objectives and the goals of the game. The objectives and the goals of the game were the easiest to describe and I think was one of the strongest points that we made in our presentation. However looking back maybe we could have developed more goals and objectives for each level of the game.

Explaining these goals was easy because the goals themselves were too simple. The goals and objectives of the game are pretty plain and I think we could have had more complex levels in our game. As a whole I think that the presentation went well and that our audience understood the purpose of our game.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the easiest thing to explain were the objectives and goals. And you have a good point, we probably could have made them a little more complex. I thought the presentation went really well, like you said, and I think we all worked pretty well together.
