Monday, April 11, 2011

Find Your Howl

Find Your Howl - sounds like a weird name for an article but somehow Johathon Flaum makes it work so we understand what he is trying to say with this phrase. Below is the link to his article, so you know what I am talking about in my response to it. Enjoy!

In Johathon Flaum’s article Find Your Howl he tells two stories. One story is about how red wolves are set back into the wild after being in captivity for their well-being and then how one wolf learns how to howl once they are let back into the wild. The other story, which I related to more, is based on a personal experience from when Flaum was in fifth grade. He tells the story of how his terrible teacher forced everyone in class to write a story. The story could be about anything they wanted and there was only one rule in the assignment, it had to be 5 pages long. Only one student in his class was able to write all 5 pages and was the only one to get a good grade on the assignment. This student wrote about a tiger being locked in a cage and how the tiger planned to jump out of the cage and escape the zoo at night. The tiger was never successful and always landed in another cage in another zoo. Flaum explained that the story shows how we are all stuck in a cage, one that we have put ourselves in. his main point in sharing this story is to show that for us to get out of these cages that we have put ourselves inn we have to completely accept and identify with them before we completely let go of them and reach out for something different. Because we will never be satisfied with anything besides our genuine howl as Flaum likes to call it.

Below is an audio link to listen to my response to one of my favorite quotes from the book The Perks of Being A Wallflower.

Response to quote

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